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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Is love a compromise?

Should people accept each other as is, or is it better to try rectifying one’s imperfect partner? Most people will answer this question sensibly – we should accept people as they are, and that’s the right way. Why then, knowing what’s right, do we do the opposite, thus destroying our families and killing our loves? Just think about it. How many divorces could be avoided if people were doing something more productive instead of trying to change one another? Those who understand this feel much happier.

Let’s look at one commonplace soccer situation. Most men love this sport and spend considerable amounts of time at the stadium or in front of the TV. Women hate that and keep nagging at their husbands. But what would happen if poor husbands objected our shopping or the time we spend with our girlfriends? Here is the compromise: while her husband watches soccer, the wife can chat with a girlfriend on the phone. It’s an open secret that many women love to sleep late in the morning. Let it happen only during the weekend since not everyone has an opportunity to get up late every day. Guys, really! The fair sex needs that beauty sleep. Women’s gorgeous looks, their attractiveness directly depend on the number of hours they spend in bed.

Do husbands let their wives sleep? No! They growl, call their loved ones “lazy”, and demand a hot breakfast. Why don’t we try to find a compromise in this situation as well? If you like a big breakfast, make an agreement with your wife and let her prepare something the day before. In the morning you can warm your breakfast in the microwave. And if you are satisfied with a simple pair of sandwiches, a plate of oatmeal, or a coffee, you can prepare all this yourself. It is not that complicated and it’s worth to see your lovely wife in a great mood when she wakes up. When these little nothings of life take place, try to find agreements with each other. Talk – don’t be sulky. Don’t declare a boycott because it will not solve the problem.

Look for compromises. Don’t destroy your love. “My dear, I won’t tell you a word tomorrow evening, and I will let you watch the entire ballgame (meet with friends, attend a sauna, play dominoes, lotto, backgammon), and you will let me sleep until noon (visit a cosmetologist, meet with my girlfriend, buy a new dress, go to the movies with the kid), all right?” Then you’ll see how much more peaceful and relaxed your family environment will become. Know how to communicate and look for compromises!